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Return & Refund Policy Generator

Generate a Return & Refund Policy for your ecommerce store using the termsGO Return & Refund Policy Generator.


Return Policy Title


Select the currency type for this Return Policy:
Return Policy

Return Policy Options

Do you allow returns?
What is your return policy?


Can discounted items be returned?
Are there any items that cannot be returned?
What items cannot be returned?
Are there any items, aside from discounted items, that cannot be returned?
What items cannot be returned?

Return Process

Do customers need authorization before returning an item?
What do customers need to include in the return package with their item?
How many days from the date of purchase must return packages be postmarked by?
How many days will it take to process returns?
Will you email customers when their returns have been processed?

Return Shipping

Shipping Fees

Who pays for return shipping?

Return Address

Where should customers send their return package?
Address (optional)
City / Town
State / Territory / Province
Zip code / Postal code

Return Guidelines

Restocking Fees

Do you charge restocking fees?
Do restocking fees apply to all returns?
How much are restocking fees?
What percent of the original price?


Do you want to include any other guidelines or rules regarding returns?
Customer Service

Customer Service Contact Information

Customer service phone number


Customer service email address
Final Details

Version Date

What is the effective date for these legal terms?

This allows users to know when your Return Policy became valid.