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Generate a professional EULA (End-User License Agreement) using the termsGo EULA Generator.


EULA Title

App Store

Where is your Application published?
User Information

User Location

Do you have users in the EU, UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway?
Do you have users in the United States?


What is the name of the Application?
What is the purpose of the Application?

The Application was created to:

What is the main use of the the Application?

The Application's main use is to:

Do you want to describe more uses of the Application?

Usage Rules

Please select each statement that applies to your Application:

User Generated Contributions

Can users upload or post content on your Application? (e.g. comments, articles, photos, audio, videos, etc.)

Technical Requirements

Please select each statement that applies to your Application:
Do you want to specify the firmware version users must have?

This is the firmware version the user must have AT THE LEAST.

The user must have (at least) firmware version:

If "No", the agreement will state: The Application requires a firmware version 1.0.0 or higher. Licensor recommends using the latest version of the firmware.

Maintenance & Support

Do you provide maintenance and support for your Application?

Privacy Policy

Does your Application have a privacy policy?

If your Application already has a privacy policy, select "Yes."

Users can find your privacy policy by:
Please provide the link to your privacy policy.

Include the link to your privacy policy.


Please select each statement that applies to your Application:
Are there other limitations of liability you want to include?
The Company takes no accountability and responsibility in case of:

Warranty Period

Application defects will be remedied only if the user notifies the Company within how many days of discovery?

Enter the number of days from the time of discovery the user has to notify the Company via email of the defect.

Additional Information

Industry Specific Compliance

Does your Application need to be compliant with industry-specific laws?
This section is intended for customization only after consultation with an attorney. By including an industry-specific clause, you understand that you are solely responsible for maintaining the information in this clause as required under applicable law.
Please consult a legal professional and add the industry-specific clauses below.

Additional Clause

Do you want to add your own clause to this End User License Agreement?
This additional clause section is intended for customization only after consultation with an attorney. By including an additional clause, you understand that you are solely responsible for maintaining the information in this clause as required under applicable law.
Additional Clause

Note: The additional clause will appear in the "Miscellaneous" section in this End User License Agreement.

Final Details

Governing Law

Which country's laws will govern this End User License Agreement?

The country's laws that will be used to interpret the content in your End User License Agreement.

Company Name

Full legal name of company

Include the full name of your company.

Business Address

What is your business address?

Provide the address where your company is located.

Address (optional)
City / Town
State / Territory / Province
Zip code / Postal code
Is your company registered at a different address?
What is your company's registered address?

Provide the address where your company is located.

Address (optional)
City / Town
State / Territory / Province
Zip code / Postal code

Contact Information

Who should users contact about defects, or for general inquiries or complaints about your Application?

Include name of person responsible for inquiries, or enter company name.

Is the mailing address the same as the business address?
Address (optional)
City / Town
State / Territory / Province
Zip code / Postal code

Version Date

What is the effective date for this End User License Agreement?